In Christchurch, Max picked me up. He just finished his flying and we went for a beer. Christchurch is in ruins since the big earthquake they had last year. You are not allowed to walk in the city center, but they have streets that are back on to the business district. Christmas is on the cards and people are enjoying the ease of being on holiday. Another day I met Max in the centre where he works. His brothers dropped me there and because I had some more time I decided to visit Srichinmoy` s restaurant. Just getting renovated, from the outside it doesn‘t even look like it is open, but inside were many people. I loved the atmosphere the moment I stepped in that place. I ordered some food and water and looking around their little shop when suddenly the floor started to move. Then the house started to shake and stuff started to fall. When you saw the city you know you have to run far away from moving buildings, I don t even remember my way out, I was so fast. We were shocked, the one way or the other. Everyone was asking if you are ok, and I got texts. Max asked if am I OK after a little earthquake. Well sure it wasn’t little. I had to go to the toilet and when I was back in the building then another one hit.
I decided to stay out doors for the day. Max said he is ready for flying if the road is not tottaly ruined. While driving up to the launch we had another big quake. Well, after that everything was great. He went flying and did some acro fun stuff with his Aeros, then top landed. Another pilot came up and I offered to be a driver for them. This time they landed on a big landing field near bar. ..
Prispela do Christchurcha. Mesto je v razvalinah se od lanskoletnega potresa, zato ni veliko moznosti za spilanje turista. Maxova brata sta me pripeljala v mesto, in odsla sem v Shrichimoyjevo restavracijo na prigrizek. Hiso so ravno obnavljali, zato so bili vse okrog postavljeni gradbeni odri. V restavraciji je bilo presenetljivo veliko ljudi. Medtem ko sem sedela za mizo in cakala moj curry, ne vem tocno kaksen meni, so se zacela premikati tla, nato cela hisa, ljudje so zaceli kricati in stvari so padale po tleh. V sekundi sem bila na prostem. Potres je dosegel 5,9. stopnjo. Zanimalo me je kaj lahko naredim po potresu, ce rabijo kaksno pomoc, pa je en starejsi kivi odgovoril da je najbols da kupim gajbo pira in si prizgem cik. Kdo bo pa vedel ce ne izkuseni? Par metrov naprej je bila trgovina z alkoholom, veliko steklenic je bilo razbitih in smrdelo je po bakardiju in pivu, ki so prehitro dosegli tla zaradi neusmiljene gravitacije. Kupila sem pivo in odsla do Maxa in njegovih sodelavcev.
Max se je odlocil da bo letel kljub tresenju zemlje. Jaz pa sem se odlocila da bom rajsi ostala na tleh. Zmaj ki bi ga dobila tukaj je malo prevelik Ponudila sem se za soferja ceprav je Max pristajal na vrhu in delal akrobacije z Aerosom. Drugemu pilotu ni uspelo priti nazaj na vrh zato pa je placal pijaco v baru zraven pristanka, ko sem ga prisla iskat.
Max and his Blacky |
Sprogs measurment ... |
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Max coming to topland. |
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