Coming to Forbes
I`ve left Christchurch` s shaking ground on Christmas day. I got very sentimental over mum`s Christmas wishes that I got on my mail. But when I reached Sydney`s soil my mind needed to find hostel, transportation to Forbes and Slovenian best pilot Primoz Gricar.
To Forbes I was driving with beautiful Jamie and her friend Mitch. Eventhougt we had some traffic jams, we had lot of fun. When we came to Forbes airport locals suggested me to camp in front of their hangar. That is great, so that I don t need transportation because I am already where all the important things are going to happen. First day I joined Kurt and Max, carrying dolly (carriager that we use for towing). Every day more pilots are coming. They are also doing towing courses so it is a lot of work. I am happy that I joined them earlier to help around. And after vacations in New Zealand some work sounds great.
In the afternoon they have cross country clinic. They make a task and then they fly it. Sort of precompetition condition check and XC course for intermediate pilots. All the fun pilots from Russia, Europe, Brazil, States, China, Kiwis and Australians are already here and every day a new old friend from somewhere shows up. Hang gliding family gathering in Forbes.
Yesterday I had two beautiful tandem tow courses. One with Alex and another with Kurt, it is just lovely when not only good looking but also best hang gliding instructors in the world are teaching you. As you all can see I am having the time of my life.
Na Bozicni dan sem sedela na Christchurhevem letaliscu in dozivljala par minutno domotozje. Na meji so mi zatezil ker nisem imela rezerviranega hotela, vendar so me vseeno spustili v drzavo… Prvo noc sem prespala v hostlu kjer so priredili pozrtijo – Bozicna vecerja zastonj. Napokala sem se kot prasicek in odsla spat. Po zadnjih parih dnevih zuranja z Maxom je pametno in spodobi se naspat. Ni bilo najbolj enostavno saj se je banda pijana vlacila po vseh kotih hostla.
Naslednji dan sem sla poiskat nasega najbolsega pilota Primoza Gricarja, ki je kampiral v nacionalnem parku Bondeena. Pomagal mi je dobiti prevoz do Forbsa.
Zelela sem biti med prvimi v Forbsu in se lotiti dela, kar je bilo kar pametno. Domaci aviaticarji mi dovolijo da kampiram pred njihovimi hangarji na vzletiscu. Moj trenutni dom je torej na letaliscu.
Po celodnevnem preganjanju za vozicki in preverjanju vpetja se privlecem do hangarja s pivom in posedam z njimi. Obljubljen imam prevoz do enormenga stevila kengorujev in ogled nekega avto parka. Vceraj sem naredila dva tandem leta z vleko. Ker imam nenormalno sreco sta me tudi tokrat peljala dva najboljsih instruktorjev vleke zmajev na svetu. Zadnji polet je bil noro lep. Pocakala sva da je sonce zacelo zahajati in se zapodila v zrak. V luftu sva stolirala zmaja in si podajala speed bar na najbolj nore variante. Vleka je zelo zabavna in komaj cakam da se naucim sama, vsekakor pa upam da naredim se kaksen tandem wingover, stall in podobne zajebancije s temi fanti pa magar kasneje s kaksnega klifa.
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