Teddy finnaly managed to pick me up at Lobitz family. He came with young German boy Frider in old bumpy van. We went to check if it is flyable, but decided it is too windy… So I put all of my junk and sit in the van with Teddy and Frider, said goodby to Sabine and Hagen and off we were. Van was coughing and protesting to drive us. I still don t know how many times we started it before we came to the top of the hill and drive in neutral just to the gas station in the citycentre. Teddy s friend Leggi came and saved our asses. He is well known barman in Dunedin. That s why at the gas station some people already knew, who is coming to pick us up. He opened a fancy disco club just for us. Gave us beer and his house to stay overnight. In the morning we went to pick up the broken van. Luckily the engine started and again we had a hard time driving it to car service centre. Working, not working, working, not working. It stayed on a little hill for five times and we used neutral to get to the servicer again. In times like that you can t do anything else then smile. We went for a coffe while they were checking the van. With five gliders on the top we were spotted by Darryl, local hanggliding pilot and he stored all the gliders for the that night.
Teddy me je koncno pobral pri Lobizevih. Pripeljal ga je zelo mlad fant z imenom Frieder. Ze po prvem metru sem vedela da je nekaj narobe s kombijem. Poskakoval je po cesti in masina je tulila. Nekako nam je uspelo priti na vrh klanca in se v leru spustiti do prve bencinske. Tam smo kripo tudi pustili do naslednjega dne. Mi pa smo odsli zurat v mesto. … No do Queenstowna nam s tem avtom sigurno ne bo uspelo. Zaribala je masina, ker je nas mladi prijatelj pozabil dotociti olje. Se sedaj ne vem kako se je kombi znasel pri serviserju, saj je celo pot protestiral. Se enkrat v leru po klancu navzdol do mehanika. Cela situacija me je nasmejala do solz. Pri mehaniku nas je opazil eden od Dunedinskih zmajarjev in nam ponudil pomoc… Jao je tezko biti zmajar ... :)
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