Saturday, December 17, 2011

Aramoana soaring / Letenje z Aramoane

Yesterday I finally had two hours soaring. Hagen pitied my non flying and took me to their home hill Aramoana even though it was still raining. The wind was crossed and agitated, so I waited. He decided that conditions are not good enough for me and we would try our luck somewhere else.  As we took out all the battens, wind became right. Fast I assembled Missy again and went flying. Take off was easy, just few steps and I was up. It was also easy to stay up and soar. I was playing and trying to get as close to the brow of the hill as possible. Didn`t even think of thermaling, having so much work with low passes. Hagen flew to the city and over the sea. I followed him, but decided not to go that direction, because I didn`t see any smart landings. So I just flew back to the playground. Sheep were giving me impression that I am a huge buzzard, looking up, bleating and trying to hide.

When I saw Hagen landed, I decided I also have enough. My arms were soaring and I was tired, so I spotted the same meadow, this time sheep weren’t  there, and landed. He run up to get the car and I was singing. What a perfect day. 

Vceraj mi je koncno uspelo. V zraku sem bila debeli dve uri. Prve pol ure sem samo preletavala hrib, spoznavala teren in zmajko Missy ki jo sedaj letim. Ko sem se resno spravila k zadevi sem bila hitro visoko nad klifom in se pocasi odpeljala proti startu. Nazaj grede sem imela veter v rit in je slo kot raketa. Missy je najmanjsi zmaj kar sem jih kdaj letela in je ubogljiva kot zdresiran konj. Ima ze  Najbolj zabavne so uboge puhaste ovcke, ki mislijo da sem ogromna ujeda, pogledujejo v zrak, ko priletis mimo njihovih kosmatih glav in meketajo da so usmiljenja vredne, vcasih se skrijejo pod kaksno drevo.  Uboge ovcke, ce bi vsaj vedele da jim cisto nic nocem. Ko imas vec visine se tudi one pocutijo bolj varne in samo se gledajo. No sicer jim pa malo strahu in telovadbe prav nic ne skodi...

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