Monday, December 31, 2012

In Forbes / Priprave v Forbesu

In Forbes we start with towing pilots. I catch a little cold, so my nose is running, but I will survive. During the day I am being a ground support and later, if there is some more time, I go to refresh myself in the swimmingpool. The summer at Forbes is hot, that s why I am drinking as much water as possible. I also went for a little flight with Steve in a dragonfly to cool down.
Every day there is more people at the airfield, that means more work for me, but as long as they are making nice launches  I’ m happy. Yesterday some more ground support came. Peoples I‘ve already met last year. And it was good to meet them again.  We were celebrating New Years Eve with a nice dinner in a local hotel and then finish it in the park across the road.

V Forbsu je vroce  in suho. Cez dan sem delala kot starter. Malo sem se prehladila, ampak mi ne bo hudega. Popoldne se poskusam ohladiti v bazenu oziroma nafehtam kaksnega tug pilota da me zategne v luft. Zaenkrat se ni sledu o moji opremi, ki jo bi lahko uporabila v Forbesu. Je pa tudi res, da je vsak dan vec dela in posledicno manj casa za letenje. 
Zaenkrat sem bila na startu sama s parimi tug piloti in sem imela res veliko dela. Na sreco je prislo se nekaj zemeljske pomoci, tako da bo sedaj lazje. 
Novo leto smo praznovali v hotelu, zakljucili pa s penino v mestnem parku. 

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