Sunday, January 6, 2013

Forbes practise day/ Forbes zacetek tekmovanja

So, World competition has officially started. We had a nice parade from headquarters to the park. Primoz and Matjaz decided I should carry Slovenian flag for them. I really like the team uniforms they got for flying, but I will have to fly a lot more to get one too. Anyway, after a nice BBQ dinner I tried to catch my man on Skype, but I was very late and headquarters were already closing…. Next day we had a practice day. I was working on line; it is so easy now when there are so many crew people. Wind was enabling us to speed it up and get the pilots fly as soon as possible.
As American team said they don t need me for a driver I decided to go in the pool. I stayed in there for few hours. I know that because I almost didn’t t feel my skin anymore.
At the night I went out for dinner. I ordered fish and veggie, being surprised by the price and quality of the food. Maybe it is better I stay on the noodles and rice; it is way cheaper and better.
Today the competition starts, everyone is anxious about it including me. I hope I find my boys in goal.

Svtovno prvenstvo se je uradno zacelo z parado. Pridruzila sem se Primozu in Matjazu, ki sta me dolocila za zastavonoso.  Cela zadeva ni bila tako slavnostna kot  v Sigilu ampak okusna hrana je odtehtala zabavni program.
Naslednji dan smo imeli poizkusni dan. Vse skupaj se je odvijalo prepocasi. Nagajal nam je veter, zato smo morali linijo premikati. Upajmo da bo slo danes bolj gladko. Americani me niso rabili za voznika zato sem she sla ohladit na bazen. V bazenu sem ostala par ur. Ko sem prisla ven, skoraj nisem imela vec koze in cist zgubane blazinice na prsti. :) Za vecerjo sem sla ven, ker nisem hotela odkloniti povabila. Spet preplacala hrano. Zmrznjena riba in zelenjava 22dolarjev, da ne omenjam da ti je se postrezejo ne ampak jo moras it sam iskat k pultu. No bo ze, danes se zacne tekmovanje tako da ze vsi nestrpno cakamo. Drzim pesti da  sta Matjaz,  Primoz in moja ekipa v cilju. 

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