Thursday, December 27, 2012

Going to Forbes / Proti Forbesu

At Moyes factory pilots  are slowly starting to show up. I was looking around the factory when my Aussie phone rang. It was one of my favorite hang gliding pilots Belgium Jochen Zeischka. We planned to travel together to Forbes, driving Vicki' s car. Idea was to go on 28th, but we agreed that we should leave already the same minute... :) Maybe stop at the beach, eat smth and play a tourist. Idea was great, only the car… I promised to drive Vicki’s car down tomorrow but she might need her car today?  We felt like two teenagers asking mum for her car. She agreed and we went on the road right away.  Perfect solution for all of us.
We were already training how to be a good tourist at last World competition in Sigillo, that is why we knew exactly what to do. Having a great drive over Blue mountains, stopping at theThree sisters and eating Thai and trying not to hit kangaroos while driving.
We arrived to Forbes late and realized we don’t know where we are gonna sleep. We tried our luck at Motel but everything was full because of a Jazz festival.  At the end we found a hotel with millions stars at the Forbes airport. We found an old mattress for Jochen, scared the spiders off, took it on the top of a little tower and talk until we felt asleep.
In the morning we bought breakfast in supermarket and eat it with a life jazz performance in the park. Life is good.

Medtem ko sem stikala po tovarni Moyes, ki izdeluje zmaje me je poklical prijatelj Jochen. Ze dolgo nisem srecala enega mojih najlubsih pilotov Belgijca Jochena Zeischo.  Alfa in omega Moysove tovarne Vicki sem obljublila da bom odpeljala njen avtomobil do Forbsa. Idealno za Jochena, ki je potreboval prevoz. Ko sva se srecala sva dobila idejo, da bi lahko odsla na pot kar to isto minuto. Pocutila sva se kot dva najstnika ko sva prosila Vicki, ce lahko njen avto odpeljeva en dan prej.
Brez oklevanja nama je predala kjuce in ze sva odsla na turisticno voznjo cez Blue Mountainse proti Forbesu.
Ustavila sva se pri turisticni znamenitosti Three sisters, si ogledala izdelke od Aboridzinov in vecerjala v Tajski restavraciji. Ko se je zvecerilo sva morala upocasniti voznjo in spremljati kenguruje, ki na cesti delajo grupne samomore...
Ko sva prispela v Forbes  sva ugotovila da nimava prenocisca. Poskusila sva v zasedem motelu in zaprtem hotelu, na koncu pa se odlocila za hotel pod milim nebom na  vrhu majhnega opazovalnega stolpa na lokalnem letaliscu, kjer bo potekala tekma.
Zajterk sva pojedla na  trgu, kjer so kot nalasc zaceli z Jazz festivalom. Celo mestece se giblje v ritmu Jazza, midva pa uzivava v anansovem soku, avokadu in mangotih.
Zivljenje je lepo.

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