Sunday, March 24, 2013

My new harness/ Moja nova buba

What a day on Friday! Already when driving up the mountain small 3 year old kid jumped on the road in front of our car. On the other side big truck was coming, so I rushed out to keep him away from the road. He escaped from the kindergarten. Everything finished well, since we found a lady who knew the little explorer.

My first flight this year in Slovenia was not up to my expectations. I was testing my new harness. This time harness actually fit my size and is, very important, red. So now I am totally stylish. I even bought red shoes. But looks like style doesn’t make you fly good...
 I was hanging on the glider lower than before. Probably that is the reason I found handling more difficult, it felt like I am flying glider too fast. It was not controlled as I would like it to be. I also forgot to turn on the instrument because Brauniger asks you if you really want to turn it on press enter – no shit – I want…Well, I guess it is a good lection. I will not forget to confirm I want it to work next time. That wasn’t a big problem because at Kovk ridge on a day like this everyone can climb, even without it. So I climbed up and tried hard to find a rope to close the zipper. I tested it already on the ground, but not with big thick skiing gloves.
Because I had too much work with all the stuff I decided to fly to the landing and test what my new harness can do. I slowed the glider down. I didn’t like the new position of my hands, it felt my shoulders have too much work. I took down the glove and felt all the ropes, change my hanging position with one, open and close the zipper with another two and went to land. I like the up position for landing. It is easier to get upright and put myself into standing position for landing, I don t like to be lower because clearly I didn’t have my glider under control when flying close to the ridge, I didn’t like my goggles because I can t look down on my harness to see all the new »buttons« and I hate skiing gloves. They are bothering at launch and are annoying when trying to find stuff on harness the only good thing is that they are warm…

My new to do list:
-          Put my hanging higher
-          Take my normal gloves
-          Cut the stupid wire that is hanging out of my helmet
-          Test the harness on the ground with gloves
-           I have to find new flying glasses
-          Make leg loops more loose
-          Take Jurgen to fly with me J

First thing on the landing I texted Jurgen about my flight and went for a drink and salad.
 Later I called Matjaz to tell him about my experience. He gave me some advice and told me about his beautiful flight in Tolmin.
We had great sunny day in Vipava valley again and I am anxiously waiting spring to come and take me higher. 

Jurgen preparing a harness for me.

First time trying my new harness.

Coming to the landing field...

V petek smo imeli zanimiv letalen dan. Ko smo se vozili na Kovk nam je pot ustavil komaj tri leta star otrok, ki se je odločil, da bo prečkal prometno cesto. Našli smo gospo, ki je malega ubežnika poznala in nadaljevali pot proti startu.
 Jaz sem prvič sprobala mojo novo gurtno. Vpetje sem imela nižje kot pri prejšnji zato je bil zmaj bolj odziven. Malo me je presenetilo. Pozabila sem tudi prižgati inštrument, največ problemov pa sem imela s predebelimi rokavicami. Saj nisem našla vrvi, ki zapre zadrgo in vrvi ki spremeni naklon. Mislm, da se mi buba prilega bolj kot prejšna in upam, da se jo čimprej navadim.
Ker sem imela preveč dela z vsem skupaj in premalo kontrole nad zmajem, sem se odločila da jo mahnem proti pristanku in sprobam naklon in zadrgo stran od hriba.
Všeč mi je da se na pristanku lahko postavim bolj pokonci, vpetje bom naslednič spremenila, z debelimi rokavicami pa nimam v luftu več kaj iskati.
Na pristanku sem poslala sporočilo Jurgnu, kasneje pa poklicala Matjaža, kateri mi je dal par dobrih nasvetov in se pohvalil da je naredil lep let v Tolminu.
Imeli smo čudovito topel sončen dan in nestrpno pričakujem pomlad, ki me bo ponesla še višje.

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