Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snake o fobia / Zarad kač

I went bushwalking with Steve to meet my fear of snakes. We drove with motorbike for few hours to come in the middle of the forest, where no man has walked before. Luckily or unfortunally I didn’t see any of footless creatures in the wild, that s why we went to a friend’s place who is a big snake lover. I found the courage to touch the python.

 Ker se noro bojim kač sem odšla s Stevom na zdravljenje moje fobije v šumo. Daleč stran od civilizacije me je rahlo stiskalo ob pomisleku na breznoge pošasti. Z motorjem sva se dve uri vozila v notranjost gozda, daleč od civilizacije. Steve je opazil eno kačo ki se imenuje redbelly, vendar jo je ucvrla stran. 
Ker nisva imela sreče v naravi sva odšla do prijatelja ki jih ima doma. Tam sem zbrala dovolj poguma da sem se ene celo dotaknila.

The road ... GoPro

knock, knock, is there anybody home?

In the middle of bushes with my snake stick

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