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Dubai airport |
VSydneyu na letaliscu nisem imela nobenih problemov, kot da bi prisla na Hrvasko. Spustili so me povsod, se po tem ko sem jim povedala da mogoce nosim kaksno skatlo cigaretov vec kot je dovoljeno. Takoj sem odfrcala ven - na svobodo. Duty free ja sem imela ze cez glavo. Na drugem koncu sveta, kjer me nobeden ne pozna sem si mislila in si prizgala cigaret a takoj opazila poznano faco. Bil je Jonny. Clovek bi pomislil da fant zivi na letaliscih. Malo sva poklepetala potem pa sem se sla pregovarjat naj me spustijo v Novo Zelandijo kljub temu da nimam povratne karte... Karto sem morala v eni uri kupiti na letaliscu. Dobro sem se nasvicala, a na koncu dobila ugodno pri Emiratih.
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I met Jonny at the airport. |
Before Stephan drove me to the airport we went to surprise Bernd. He sure was surprised. I arrived to Dubai at 11pm at that time it was 25 C. I was walking and checking airport for two hours. This airport is great. Many different people and shopping possibilities. I bought mini disc. It can t be boring with all equipment I am carrying with me. Computer, mp3, GoPro camera, camera, memory stick…
I tried to sleep on the floor between chairs and escalator. Sharing the place with some hippies, one man from China and Muslims. It was nice because there was a carpet and the floor weren’t so cold as usually at airports.
When I arrived to Sydney airport I didn t have any troubles. It was like going to Croatia, they just checked my passport and let me go. Outside I met Jonny, he was just coming home from the States. What a small world.
For New Zeland I had to buy a return ticket in an hour, I didn t know that I need it, otherwise they don t let you in. I bought it from Emirates and checked in.
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