We went for few motorbike rides to the Blue mountains and to Jenolan caves. It is so nice riding on the BMW R1200GS Adventure motorbike. You can feel the nature, smell the pine trees and the stink of road dead wombat while enjoying the never ending landscape.
We bush walked near the Jenolan caves river Styx, watching trout, colorful birds, lizards, butterflies, echidnas and wallabies.
By the way, we checked up on Curt, Alex and Jonas at Mount Blackheath, where they were trying to fly and break the mountain record, but the weather wasn` t cooperative. Nice mountain though and good rock for climbing. For dinner Steve`s wife Anet showed me how to make sushi . We had it with the best home brewed beer I had ever tried.
Yesterday Steve had some stuff to finish in Mudgee so we flew there in his little plane (Slepcev Storch). While coming back we flew around and between thunderstorms with one chasing us, we made it to hangar just in time.
Kaj sedaj pocnes ko je konec tekme? Je najbolj pogosto vprasnje od domacih in prijateljev. Ker sem profesionalni turist spilam turista. Kupila sem si rabljenega zmaja in skupaj s Stevom popravila malenkosti. Zdaj se ubadam z dizajnom za na platno. Zivim pri McCarthyjevih v gorah, kot pravijo. Meni se zdijo bolj hribi, samo ce recejo da so gore pa naj bojo. Do najblizjega mesteca je okoli pol ure sumadinskega rock and rolla. Steve je eden od pilotov, ki je na tekmi vlekel zmaje z motornim zmajem. Preden me je povabil je obljubil da mu bom lahko pomagala postrici ovce in mi dovolil da jim naredim kakrsno koli frizuro si zamislim. Ena od njih bo sigurno fasala irokezo.
Z motorjem se voziva po nacionalnem parku, preucujeva zivali, jame in reke. Vceraj pa sva dobila tekmo ena na ena, avijon proti nevihti. Steve je neverjeten pilot, dodobra pozna teren in vreme. Najbolj so me navdusile njegove pristajalne sposobnosti, saj bi parkiral svoj avijon tudi na padalski pristanek ce bi bilo potrebno.