Monday, July 9, 2012

Say cheese - Reci sir

Back in Europe, trying to get work, but also enjoying free time at our mini farm and with all my toys like Spicy, kayak, rollerblades, bicycle … 
Some people think I can last longer under water then at home, because I didn’t stay at home not even for a week. But it was Austrian open and I had to go there to meet friends. It was shitty weather, so I decided to do the tour to Austria with bike, leaving my hang glider Spicy at home. At first he wasn’t too happy about it but then he realized he wouldn’t fly, only got wet …
Next week my parents went on holidays, my sister to conference in Germany, so they were happy I am back to take care of our animals and vegetable garden.
I milked our goats almost every day, having some troubles at first, but they are willing to cooperate if you feed them - corrupted furred species. So I guess they got too much corn, but I got their milk. Big thanks to my friend Anze that milked them when I went flying. From all that milk I made cheese, butter, yogurt – kefir and ghee.  And yesterday just for fun some apricot jam. 

Yogurt-kefir with fruit, butter, panir with spices, apricot jam and cheese

Končno nazaj v Evropi. Poskušam najti kakšno službo, vendar pa tudi uživam z mojimi igračami, ki jih nisem mogla uporabljati sedem mesecev. Zmaj-Spicy, kajak Gringo, rolarji, kolo ...
Doma nisem zdržala prav dolgo, saj sem morala iti na zmajarsko tekmo v Greifenburg. Do Avstriske meje sem se zapeljala kar s kolesom, nato pa me je do Greifenburga peljal prijatelj, ki je šel tudi tja. Vremenska napoved je bila slaba, tako da sem se odločila da svojega zmaja Spicyja pustim doma.
Naslednji teden so se moji starši odpravili na dopust, zato sem morala skrbeti za našo malo kmetijo.  Skoraj vsak dan sem pomolzla naše kozice. Ker so visoko podkupljive sem jim v zameno za mleko dala več koruze kot jo navadno dobijo. Iz vsega dobljenega mleka sem izdelala sir, skuto, kefir , ghee in maslo. Včeraj pa še domačo marelično marmelado.  Najlepša hvala Anžetu, ki me je zamenjal, da sem šla lahko letet na Kovk. 

Flying, bycicling, kayaking