My uncle John is from Cleveland and a pilot for US Airways, he
arranged standby tickets for me. Because I have never traveled on buddy pass
before, I asked flight attended at the gate what should I do. She suggested
that I sit and wait to be called. So I took out my computer, went on facebook
and enjoyed some bird watching on Decorah eagles. I forgot about the time and
when I realized it was too late, I missed my flight! I swear they didn’t call
me! I was so very lucky to get the next one
to Charlotte. When we landed my
connecting flight was already boarding. I ran like crazy, almost knocking down
a little kid. I was still able to meet my uncle at the gate and we both rushed
to get the next plane. Inspite of our haste I was told there were 5 people waiting
in the standby line before me. We finally managed to get to Cleveland. We made
a camp fire in front of his house, tested some beers and talked long into the
Next day we went to private airport and took the Clipper for
a ride. John let me launch it and I zig-zagged into the sky. We landed at Classic Jet center where we took
another plane called the Seabee, with the idea to land on water. After flying
we went back to his place and assembled some old hanggliders that he had in his
garage. One of them looked ok to fly.
Maybe side wires needs to be changed, but it looks like I have a new old glider
in the States! It surly looked much better than Spajk (old Sting glider I flew
in Australia).
I had only two days time with my relatives from Cleveland.
We were cycling, making s’mores, visiting bars and restaurants, cheering for Mihelca’s Matt and Toncka at Cleveland
marathon competition. I was very happy that Annie and her husband Matt joined
us too. She lives in Pennsylvania.
The next day we went flying again. This time Toncka was able
to come with us too. We landed on the water and we had a great time at Mintor Marsh
beach and made some crazy low passes at Pristava. He let me fly it most of the
Like usual, I couldn’t just go when it was the date to go,
so I extended for one more day. We went to visit my uncle Pavle’s factory Pako.
American dreams coming true. They are making parts for airplanes. He has
something like 300 employees and they are just opening another place. I was
astonished by the precision and tests they have to make. I took a lot of
pictures, but something went wrong and I lost them all! I guess I will just have
to go to factory again.
In the afternoon we went flying, again. Because cloud base
was too low we were flying low and John let me land the Seabee on the water by
myself. I was scared as hell, sweating, blood pressure and heart beat went up
even as I landed perfectly. I can’t find a word that would tell you how excited
I was. Looks like I have to get some work, so that I will be able to get myself
a pilot’s license!
Sorodnik John iz Clevelanda je pilot pri US airways in mi je zrihtal stanby karte. To pomeni da se
lahko vkrcaš na letalo če je prost sedež. Prvi let sem zamudila, saj so mi
naročili naj počakam, da me pokličejo. Tako sem sedela pred vhodom v letalo in
brskala po spletu. Zgleda da me je internet dobro odnesel, saj ko sem se
spomnila da je čas odhoda, je bila čakalnica že prazna. Vkrcali so me na drugo
letalo, ki pa je bilo pozno, tako sem hitela da sem ujela povezovalni let do
Naslednji dan sva
šla z Johnom, po nase Jančkom, na privat letališče kjer sem prvič vozila avijon
Clipper. Cik cak po pisti in v luft. Če je kdorkoli videl ta vzlet od zunaj si
je najverjetneje mislil da je pilot pijan. Pristala sva na naslednjem letališču
kjer sva vzela letalo, ki lahko pristane na vodi in se šla igrat z njim.
Imela sem samo še
dva dni da se družim s sorodniki. Tako smo šle kolesariti z Mihelco in Tončko,
obiskali še ostale sorodnike in ob večeru pekli smorse na kamp ognju. Bila sem zelo
vesela da se nam je pridružila še Annie in njen mož Matt. Saj živita v
Pensylvaniji, okoli šest ur vožnje iz Clevelanda. V nedeljo smo navijali za
Mihelčinega moža, še en Matt, in Tončko, ker sta tekla na Clevelandskem
maratonu. Vsega skupaj 20.000 tekačev.
V ponedeljek sem
spet preživela odlepljena od tal. Tokrat je z nama odšla tudi Tončka. Večino
časa sem lahko jaz vozila Seabee, razen, ko je Janček pilotiral nizko nad
krošnjami dreves in pristal v vodi na plaži Minor Marsh beach. Teta Polonca nam
je pripravila hladilno torbo polno senvičev in ostalih slaščic tako da smo jih
po končanem letenju pojedli v senci Seabeejinih kril.
Kot ponavadi,
tudi tokrat nisem mogla oditi, zato sem izlet podaljšala za en dan. Obiskala
Pako firmo, katero je ustanovil očetov stric Pavle in bila presenečena nad
velikostjo podjetja, preciznostjo izdelave,
nadzora ki ga opravljajo in inovacij. Izdelujejo dele za avijone, ki jih
prodajajo za vse možne trge. V Italijo, Nemčijo, Japonsko ...
Popoldne sva z
Jančkom spet zapregla Seabee in tokrat mi je dovolil da sama pristanem v vodi.
Bilo je nepozabno. Moja naslednja želja je izpit za avijon.
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