Monday, May 14, 2012

Wanna be @ Wallaby

So, I came back to this awesome place called Wallaby ranch. “Welcome home” made a big smile on my face. Everyone who knows me very well, knows that my favorite thing in life, most essential thing, is food. Another most essential thing, makes you human is flying right? Anyway, I smuggled myself in the kitchen where Jeremie and I prepare some awesome stuff. Every morning we have breakfast at 10:00 which usually involves eggs, meat, fruit, jams, breads, yogurts and smoothies with herbs. Well crepes, pancakes, oats with frozen mangos or berries, porridge, sausages, we can t help ourselves sometimes we just go wild. Lunches are pretty wild too. Today (american mothers day) we are having stuffed duck, prime rib of beef, salad, asparagus, fruit salad and yorkshire puddings.  Not to mention the ice cream…
It looks like I will be heavy enough for Spicy when I return. After breakfast we usually take the gliders out of the hanger and go flying. I was totally shocked the first time I heard someone is not going to fly because his glider is not assembled … Come on, lift your lazy ass and do the 15 minute job!
But sooner or later you recognize that life is much easier if you are lazy. Well, it is hot and humid here and a body needs some rest. There is a swimming pool, trampoline, golf cars, and bunch of other gliders already in the hangar.  
I fly falcon and I really don t like to drift down wind with weak thermals. They take me away from my nest and I have to fight my way back into the wind to get home. Not willing to land out in another swamp, or even worse a tree. I am very careful as of late. But I am enjoying my airtime a lot.
One day the guys wanted me to teach them some Slovenian swear words. But we don’t have them! When we are swearing we are using English. Shit, fuck or other Bosnian or Serbian words that I am not pointing out right now. As much as I thought I had no Slovenian curse, the sentence “three hundred hairy bears” came to mind.  They love it! Three hundred hairy bears are echoing all over ranch. So, do not smash yourself with a hammer because you will have to use the bad bear swear!
When the night falls over Florida, we sit in the hanger where tug pilots, tandem pilots and other ranch hands are playing rock music, drinking beer and chilling. Life is beautiful at Wallaby ranch!

Po tekmah sem se vrnila na Wollaby ranch." Dobrodosla doma" so bile prve besede šefa. Na srečo se ni težko počutiti doma. Kdorkoli me dobro pozna,ve da se moje življenje vrti okoli hrane. Že stari mami sem bila podrepna muha, ki se smuka okoli praznih loncev, da se ne poglabljamo o vseh dobrih kuharjih s katerimi sem si drznila preziveti dan ali dva v kuhinji. Tudi tukaj me nihče ne podi ven, da ne omenjam da so količine, kvaliteta in dostopnost hrane včasih objestne.
Vsako jutro ob 10 00 z Jeremijem  pripaviva različne obroke. Ponavadi vsebujejo meso, jajca, zelenjavo, smoothie in sadje. Če sva dobre volje pa palačinke, parjene kosmiče z zmrznjenim mangotom in borovicami, klobasice, v jajčka ovita špinača s sirom...
Najverjetnje moj zmaj Spicy ne bo več stokal zaradi nezadostnih kilogramov, ko se vrnem domoL. Po zajtrku se odvečem do hangarja kjer so sestavljeni zmaji. Potegnem ven falcona in se pripravim na vleko. Letenje ni panoramično kot pri nas, Dama ravnina. Sedaj pazim, da ne pristanem v kakšnem močvirju ali še slabše na drevesu. Za towing se sto procentro  99,9 posto skoncentriram in sledim dragonflyju, ko pa se odpnem , upam da je v dviganju. Tam se osredotočim na steber ki me odpihne z vetrom.
Ker sem ponosna na slovenščino in dejstvo, da nimamo originalne kletvice sem fante naučila prekletstva  tristo kosmtih medvedov. No, ne izgovorijo v slovenščini, samo je pa sigurno najbolj prilubljena kletvica na ranču.
Ko pade mrak se  vsi zberemo v hangarju, kjer so pospravljeni zmaji, zvočniki, mešalka in piloti ter wallaby družba igra rock muziko. Jaz ponavadi špilam rep od kobre.
Včasih je zajeban ki vidš da si zlomu noht na pistaciji, k je sploh nis hotu...

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