Thursday, May 31, 2012

Moj praded / My grand grandfather

My great grandfather came to America after being tortured, imprisoned in two different concentration camps and managed to escape with one of the ships. Four of his sons were brutally murdered while fighting against communism.  His wife Polonca stayed alone at home with the children. After a while she was able to join him in the promise land, taking his two sons Pavle and Joze. My Grandma, their daughter got married and she stayed in Slovenia.
My Grand grandfather Anton Kosir was a romantic soul. He liked to act in the theater, write poems, work on the farm and cook. But I didn’t know that he put all his history in lyrics. Now I have them and I am enjoying reading it. They are describing his life and relations to God, country and family. Poems are heartbreaking especially the ones that are talking about his four sons, starvation and misery of the war.
I can’t believe that after all this shit that happened to my family, they still passionately believe in God. But I guess when you are left somewhere without anything, the only thing that is left is hope.
Rest in peace Anton Kosir and thank you for the poems.


Moj praded je zbezal v Ameriko, po tem ko so mu partizani ubili stiri sinove on pa je “odsluzil” svoj vojni dolg v dveh koncentracijskih taboriscih. 
Zena Polonca se mu je z dvema sinovoma pridruzila kasneje. Moja stara mama, njuna hci, pa se je porocila in ostala v Sloveniji.
Veckrat so mi povedali da je bil mojpraded pravi zabavljac in nezna dusa. Da je rad igral v vaskih igrah in teatrih. Nisem pa vedela, da je svojo gnev prelil na papir v obliki poezije.
Moji sorodniki so mi dali kopije njegovih pesmi. Ena od njih je spodaj.
Pocivaj v miru praded in hvala za pesmi. 

Anton Kosir

Prve dneve majnika,
 Otroci, mama je doma.
So prišli fantje po slovo,
Predno zdaj v svet gredo.

Stirje bili so vojaki,
Sinovi moji vsi junaki.
Premoc velika je prisla
In vojska se je umikala.

Franci reče ji tako,
Kako je meni zdaj hudo.
Tako težko Vas zapustim,
Za tebe mama se bojim.

Prisrčno jo Albin objame,
Poslavlja se od dobre mame,
Oh ljuba moja mamica,
Kedaj se zopet vidiva.

Še Vinko, Tone jokata,
Ko mamico objameta.
Tako si znala nas ljubiti,
A zdaj se moramo ločiti.

Še pred mamo pokleknimo,
Da blagoslov od nje dobimo.
Je vse štiri pokropila,
Jim križ na čelo naredila.

Naj BOG vas čuva božja mati,
Saj bili njuni ste junaki.
Zgodi naj Božja volja se,
Trdno v njo zaupajte.

Če pa nas nazaj ne bo.
Ne jokaj mama se zato.
Saj dobro veš ti mamica,
Da borci smo za Kristusa.

Borili smo se za resnico,
Za vero dom in za pravico,
Zato ti naj ne bo hudo,
Če se nazaj ne vrnemo.

Pa kmalu so se vsi vrnili,
Neusmiljeno so vse pobili.
Zmetali so jih v Kraške jame,
Le spomin nanje ostane.
Resnična zgodba.


1 comment:

  1. Great.... my grandfather made the same... he wrote his life, all his adventures and pains that suffered during war and immediatly after.... was like a self therapy to elaborate and throw out all the pains he lived...
    he made that three times because every time my grandmother wasted his writes.... :(
    the last time too.... :(((
    you are lucky to have such a memory...

    ...the difference is that he hated god for the pain he let the humans do in this world
