Thursday, June 7, 2012

Going back to sLOVEnija. / Nazaj v domaci kraj

I got used to hanging around Wallaby ranch. Also when the weather is not flyable had lots of fun.  One day I went bicycling with Jim and we saw many different animals: alligators, snakes, hawk, owl that was eating a snake, armadillos, turtles and differed birds. Well, now I know for sure that swamping in Florida is not a good idea. When not helping Jeremy cooking I was chilling in AC room swimming in the pool or laying on the trampoline, two times I even forced my lazy ass to go running.
Sometimes it was enough just to enjoy spectacular Florida storms, hanging out in the hanger or at the West site drinking beer, watching TV and chilling with friends. Yes, life is beautiful at Wallaby ranch.
But it was time to go home, so I packed my stuff and went to the hangar for the last blessing from the boys: Paul, Eric, Jeremy, Jim and Oliver. Steve left few days earlier... In the morning I had some troubles getting up, and boss Malcom gave me some pills to forget the headacke that I nourished from the last night.
Oliver took me to the airport and I was lucky again. Sleeping on both flights and woke up for breakfast already in Europe. Not to mention I had 3 sits just for myself, so sleeping on the plane was very comfortable.
In Munich I went on the first train that stopped and when it was already moving I tried to figure out if it is the right one. I was lucky again, some people told me when to go down and I was on my way with another one to Ljubljana. 

Sem se kar navadila na Wallaby ranč. Zadnji teden vreme ni bil ravno najbolši za letenje, tako sva se ne dezeven dan z Jimom odpravila kolesariti. Dobro naju je napralo a videla sva veliko različnih živali. Najbolj me je presenetila sova, ki je letela s kačo v kljunu.
Kadar nisem imela dela v kuhinji sem ponavadi izležavala ob bazenu, v klimatizirani sobici v hangarju ali pa v dnevnem prostoru ki ga imenujemo West site.
Prišel pa je dan slovesa, tako so fantje vklopili zvočnike in mešalko, hladilne torbe smo napolnili s pirčkom in vinom in se podali na skoraj celovečerno poslavljanje.
Naslednji dan me je Oliver odpeljal do letališča in na letalih sem spala kar na treh sedežih in se zjutraj zbudila v Evropi.
V Munchnu sem ko teliček stopila na prvi vlak in se kasneje spraševala če je sploh pravi. Domačini so mi povedali katero postajo moram iztopiti in že sem bila na novem vlaku za Ljubljano.