Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rob Kells competition

Rob Kells memorial competition started at Florida ridge. I got a great Spanish Kolubian team to drive for. I had to switch my mind back to right lane driving.  Again I got a really nice car, with cruise control, AC and a big trunk to put the beer in.
In my team were Claudia the Babilon fish, Pedro her husband, Tximo and Rubio. They are all great pilots and fun people to hang around with.
First competition day wasn t flyable. Rubio, Tximo and me went to see alligators to Gatorama. I didn t like the way this animals are imprisoned. But eventhough they are in captivity they are still making love. I made a porn video about it, called "L amore de crocodiles". It was the big hit at headquarters. First task was nice, I got my pilots fast and easy, all close to goal. Next day we also had a nice retrieve, with my pilots in goal, being very exciting over Jonny s goal margaritha. Claudia landed on private airport and because she forgot the phone she went walking the road. At the end it happened that police stopped by, telling her, they don t want to leave her there as drug dealing people are meeting place is there. So they took her to a nice couple and we picked her up there.
Third task my pilots rushed to goal. When I was still at the ridge some of them were already at third turnpoint. Tximo landed close to goal, the road to get him was this crazy fine sand road. But I found him in 30 minutes with a brand new box of beer. He was delighted. Then we went to pick up Claudia, she was 20 minutes away from us, and this day she had to deal with a man that had a shotgun. But her smile can disarm even thought American farmers. He even invited us to drive inside the field with original bull shit. We stopped by in goal and picked up Rubio and Pedro. We finished the day in Log cabin, burger restaurant.
Rubio and Tximo rented a glider for me, so I had a tow before task started. I was still launch when Zac, Jonny and Paris came to goal. They had beaten the storm. It is always nice to be at finish line, they bring that powerful energy.
Last competition day was wild. Forecast was rain in the afternoon. They had short task that was just calling for a party. We spotted Jonny in goal with a cooler full of interesting things. So they were mixing drinks just there on the road 29. The party went on at the headquarters and it finished with rain in swimming pool late at night.

 Tekma Rob Kells se je zakljucila. Vozila sem za Spansko Kolumbijsko ekipo. Klavidja, Pedro, Tximo in Rubio so bili v moji ekipi. Prvi tekmovalni dan pogoji za letenje niso bili ugodni, tako da smo se sli turiste v bliznji park z aligatorji. Naslednje dni so leteli vsak dan. Claudia je pristala na neki pisti in ker je pozabila telefon uspesno padla v roke policije, ki so jo odpeljali do nekih znanecev, ces da se na mestu kjer je bila prodajajo droge. Naslednji dan je pristala na neki kemtiji kjer ji je kmet zazelel dobrodosilco kar s pusko. Tximota sem nasla na mivkasti cesti in bil je nepopisno vesel nove skatle s pivom.
Zadnji tekmovalni dan je bila bitka z nevihtami. Jonny je spet zmagal in zakljucil v svojem zurerskem stilu. Hladilna torba vodka, red bull in pircki kar ob glavni cesti.  Zurka se je nadaljevala v stabu v standardno odpiljenem zmajarskem stilu.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Florida groove

I came to America, being very happy, that my friend and relative John stopped at Philadelphia airport and met me there for only 15 minutes. I had to move on for the plane to Orlando. Coming to the States is not a piece of cake, big lines of people waiting to come in, and then police is asking all this questions, not to mention they took my fingerprints. For a moment I felt like a criminal. But I forgot everything when I came to the place called Wallaby ranch. It is made and designed for hang gliding. First night the box of beer was in our way, so Oliver and I tried hard to destroy it.
In the afternoon I did my tow. I have to admit I was scared. As I just did my towing licence in Forbes and my instructor Peter wasn t here. It was easy at Wollaby too. Boys helped me a big time and I had a nice almost two hour flight around the ranch.

Florida iz zraka

L amore 

Next days were very windy, so I didn t  find courage to tow, but Oliver took me to Gatorland and Disneyland downtown. Like in a second week finished and I was already on the way to Florida ridge hang gliding competition.
I am staying with Spanish team, appreciating my poor Italian knowledge, Spanish is quite similar, so we have lots of fun communicating . Tximo, Rubio, Pedro and Claudia are all super fun to be with.  First competition day it wasn t flyable, so we went to see alligators. We were at the right place and the right time to see two alligators making love. That’s why I was showing my new alligator porn movie to everyone at the headquarters.
Retrieve day was easy. Jamie landed me her Nuvi garmin and I found my boys very fast. We had two hours drive back to our cabin. Claudia didn t fly, because she is also new one in towing and the wind was very strong, so she prepared very good dinner for us.

Stric iz Clevelanda me je cakal na postaji v Philadelphiji. Imela sva samo 15minut da spijeva kozarcek vina, nato sem se morala vkrcati na letalo za Orlando. Na meji v Ameriko te temeljito izprasajo in celo vzamejo prstne odtise, kar mi niti najmanj ni bilo vsec. 

Prvi teden sem prezivela na Wallaby rancu. Prostor je ustvarjen samo za zmajartvo. Noro lep plac, s super ljudmi. Vsak dan kuhar pripravi zajtrk in kosilo ter te povabi tako da pozvoni na ogromen kovinski zvon, ki je obesen pred jedilnico. Zvonenje odmeva po celotnem rancu.

Naredila sem samo en polet z vleko. Izpit za vleko sem naredila dva meseca nazaj v Avstraliji in moram priznat da me je bilo kar strah. Ko sem pridobila dovolj visine je ratalo zelo zabavno. Stebri so bili veliki in so odpuscali napake. Tako sem krozila okoli parka in si ogledala mali delcek ravne Floride iz zraka.

V petek sem zapustila zmajarski paradiz in se preselila v nov, ne tako prestizen a vseeno paradiz. Na tekmo ki se odvija na Florida ridgu..
Prvi dan ni bil letalen in s Spanci smo se odpravili v dezelo aligatorjev. Imeli smo nenormalno sreco, saj mi je uspelo posneti dva krokodila ki delata mladicke. Ta posnetek je postal totalen hit na zmajarski tekmi, saj vsak dan pride nov clovek, ki hoce imeti posnetek "Amore de crocodilo."

V petek smo se odpeljali na tekmo na Florida ridge. Nastanitev sem dobila pri spanski ekipi. Vceraj so imeli prvi tekmovalni dan, moji piloti so bili zelo blizu cilja tako da sem jih hitro nasla, nato pa dve urice voznje nazaj v naso koco.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

in Munich

Again in Munich at Stephan s place. Travelling with train was so nice, I was sleeping most of the time in my own wagon. On the way to Germany it was raining, sun, clouds, snow... Big mountains are so beautiful, all covered with snow.Tonight we go out to see if German beer is still German beer and tommorrow I am on the way to Orlando.

Ze spet v Munchnu pri Stephanu. Tokrat se odpravljam v Orlando, kjer bom spet pomagala na zmajarski tekmi. Glede na to da mi niso mogli prodati poceni 29eurou karte do Munchna, ker naj bi bile ze vse pokupljene, sem presentljivo izlezavala v praznem vagonu celo pot...