Saturday, March 17, 2012

3rd day Aeros Winter race

We decided for 104km task, but saftey comity decided otherwise, so we shortened it to 86km. Task was easyer then we thought.That s why we had 38 happy faces in goal. It was possible to make the whole task without thermaling. Flying was very easy and smooth. The gaggle came in the goal almost at the same time.
1. Christian Ciech
2. Andre Djamarani
3.Christian Zehetmair

Later, when downloading traks we were sitting in the restaurant and watching skiflying in Planica. I can proudly tell that Slovenian Robert Kranjec won. Today we are expecting strong wind and clouds. I hope we will be able to make good task again.

Gotta go on the mountain...

Odlocili smo se za 104km tekmo.Vendar se je varnostni komite pritozil. Zato smo jo skrajsali na 86km. Naloga je bila zelo lahka, saj je v cilj priletelo kar 38 pilotov. Zmagal je italijan Christian Ciech, drugi je bil Andre in tretji se en Christian, vendar ta iz Nemcije. Popoldan smo si pogledali se zmagovalen polet Roberta Kranjca in odsli na zurko v kmecki turizem Birsa.

Danes upajmo na se eno dobro tekmo. Gremo na Kovk ...

2nd task cancelled

Second task was cancelled due to not suitable wind conditions. But we spend a nice day on the mountain. Sunbathing and lying on the ground.
Druga tekma je bila odpovedana. Sedeli smo na Kovku in cakali da bo pihnilo gor. Ene parim sem narisala brke, da izgledajo bolj mozati. :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Winter race is on

Back in Slovenia at first european hang gliding competition. 58 competitors are fighting for FAI points. We had a nice 101,7km today. 18 happy pilots in goal. Tomorrow we go for some more.

First was Thomas Weissenberger from Austria, second Christian Ciech third Davide Guiducci, both from Italy. Best slovenian was Matjaz Klemencic.

Koncno nazaj v Sloveniji, kjer organiziramo prvo zmajarsko tekmo v Evropi.58 zmajarjev se bori za prve FAI tocke v novi sezoni. Imeli smo simpaticno 101,7km tekmo. Kar 18 pilotov je bilo v cilju. Jutri nas caka nov dan.

Zmagal je Thomas Weissenberger iz Avstrije, drugi Christian Ciech in tretji Davide Guiducci, oba iz Italije. Najbolsi slovenec je bil Matjaz Klemencic. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Flying in New Castle

From Penrith we moved on to New Castle. We visited Airborn factory and went flying their beautiful coast. Local pilots in New Castle are great. They launch and land on a little hill that looks like not save to do any of this stuff. Also people at Airborn factory were extremely nice to us. They let us use their workshop for fixing the glider and Rohan took us to the beach with his jeep 4WD. Miha and Andrej also got few days off, so we made dinner in Dixon park and enjoyed some quality time together at the coast.

Iz Penritha sva nadaljevala pot proti New Castlu. Mislim da eden najlepsih mest v Avstraliji. Tam sva obiskala Airborn tovarno, kjer so nama dali napotke za dostop do vzletisca. Naslednji dan sta se nama pridruzila se Andrej in Miha. Med smetmi sva nasla na pol pokvarjene sufre in iz sestih razlicnih usposobila dva. Eden od lokalnih pilotov nama je dal zacetne instrukcije surfanja. V vodi sva bila toliko casa da sva prisla ven cisto premrazena. Uspelo mi je priti v vodni tunel, ki ga naredi val. :))

Take off

In Airborn birth place of my Spicy

Looking at us, while we were having breakfast.

Our new surfs...

Rory wakebording in New Castle
